The future of 3D scanning technology: what to expect

Apr 26, 2024By As-Build 3D 3d
As-Build 3D 3d

3D scanning technology has come a long way in recent years, revolutionizing various industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and entertainment. With its ability to capture detailed and accurate digital representations of physical objects, 3D scanning has opened up a world of possibilities for designers, engineers, and artists alike. But what does the future hold for this rapidly advancing technology? Let's take a closer look at what we can expect.

Improved Accuracy and Resolution

As technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see significant improvements in the accuracy and resolution of 3D scanning devices. This means that the scanned models will become even more precise, capturing even the tiniest details with incredible accuracy. This advancement will have a profound impact on industries such as healthcare, where high-resolution scans are crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment planning.

3D scanning

Faster Scanning Speeds

One of the current limitations of 3D scanning technology is the time it takes to capture a complete scan of an object. However, with ongoing research and development, we can expect to see significant improvements in scanning speeds. This will not only increase efficiency but also make 3D scanning more accessible to a wider range of applications.

fast scanning

Portable and Handheld Devices

Currently, most 3D scanning devices are bulky and require a controlled environment to operate effectively. However, the future of 3D scanning technology will likely bring us portable and handheld devices that can be used in various settings. This portability will enable on-the-go scanning, making it easier for professionals to capture 3D models in real-world scenarios.

portable 3D scanner

Integration with Augmented Reality

With the rise of augmented reality (AR), the integration of 3D scanning technology is a natural progression. Imagine being able to scan an object in the real world and instantly import it into an AR environment. This integration will open up new possibilities for industries such as architecture and interior design, allowing professionals to visualize and manipulate virtual objects in real-time.

AR integration

Cost Reduction

As with any technology, the cost of 3D scanning devices is expected to decrease over time. This will make the technology more accessible to smaller businesses and individuals who may have previously been unable to afford it. With lower costs, we can expect to see a wider adoption of 3D scanning across various industries, leading to further innovation and advancements.

cost reduction

Expanded Applications

Currently, 3D scanning technology is primarily used in industries such as manufacturing, healthcare, and entertainment. However, as the technology continues to evolve, we can expect to see its applications expand into new areas. From virtual reality gaming to archaeological preservation, the possibilities are endless.

expanded applications

Enhanced Software Capabilities

Alongside advancements in hardware, we can also expect to see significant improvements in 3D scanning software. This will include more intuitive user interfaces, enhanced editing capabilities, and streamlined workflows. These advancements will make it easier for professionals to work with scanned models and unlock their full potential.

software capabilities

Integration with 3D Printing

3D scanning and 3D printing go hand in hand. As 3D scanning technology continues to advance, we can expect to see tighter integration with 3D printing processes. This will allow for seamless conversion of scanned objects into printable files, making it easier to reproduce physical objects with precision.

3D printing integration

Collaboration and Sharing

With the increasing popularity of cloud-based platforms, we can expect to see improved collaboration and sharing capabilities for 3D scanned models. This will enable professionals from different locations to work together on projects, share their scans, and collaborate in real-time. This level of collaboration will foster innovation and drive the advancement of 3D scanning technology even further.


In conclusion, the future of 3D scanning technology looks incredibly promising. With improved accuracy, faster scanning speeds, and portable devices on the horizon, we can expect to see 3D scanning become more accessible and widely adopted across various industries. The integration with augmented reality, cost reduction, expanded applications, enhanced software capabilities, integration with 3D printing, and improved collaboration and sharing will further propel the growth and innovation in this exciting field. As technology continues to advance, the possibilities for 3D scanning are truly limitless.